Książki: Psychologia

Wśród książek psychologicznych z naszej oferty znalazły się zarówno podręczniki akademickie skierowane do studentów, praktykujących psychologów i terapeutów, jak również popularne poradniki psychologiczne, pozwalające nam lepiej zadbać o swoje emocje i radzić sobie z codziennymi problemami. Bardziej specjalistyczne pozycje z różnych dziedzin psychologii umieściliśmy między innymi w trzech odrębnych podkategoriach – „Psychologia społeczna“, „Psychologia rozwoju człowieka“ oraz „Psychologia osobowości“.

Nie tylko do specjalistów skierowane zostały pozycje ze znanej PWN-owskiej serii „Biblioteka Klasyków Psychologii“. Wydawane są w niej przełomowe prace psychologiczne, które zmieniły nasze rozumienie ludzkiej psychiki. Do serii trafiły publikacje z różnych nurtów psychologii – od psychoanalizy („Wstęp do psychoanalizy“ Sigmunda Freuda czy „Ego i mechanizmy obronne“ Anny Freud) do „Terapii Gestalt“ Fredericka S. Pearlsa czy „Mowy i myślenia dziecka“ Jeana Piageta.

Doskonałym wstępem do obszernej wiedzy psychologicznej jest podręcznik „Psychologia. Kluczowe pojęcia“ opracowany przez Philipa Zimbardo, Roberta Johnsona i Vivian McCann. To przełomowa praca uwzględniająca wszystkie istotne we współczesnej psychologii nurty, a także terapie i klasyfikacje chorób psychologicznych. W języku polskim podręcznik ukazał się w pięciu tomach – 1: „Podstawy psychologii“; 2: „Motywacja i uczenie się“; 3: „Struktura i funkcje świadomości“; 4: „Psychologia osobowości“; 5: „Człowiek i jego środowisko“.

Nie zabrakło w naszym dziale książek psychologicznych również pozycji poświęconych historii tej dziedziny nauki. Szczególnie polecamy dwie dopełniające się monografie: „Historia psychologii w Europie Środkowej. Badacze, inspiracje i koncepcje“ Cezarego W. Domańskiego oraz „Historia polskiej myśli psychologicznej. Wydanie nowe“ Teresy Rzepy i Bartłomieja Dobroczyńskiego. W pierwszej z nich autor przypomina, że kolebką nowoczesnej psychologii była właśnie Europa Środkowa – w drugiej zaś autorzy opowiadają fascynującą historię rozwoju psychologii i psychoanalizy na ziemiach polskich, omawiając nie tylko pierwsze projekty uprawiania psychologii w Polsce, ale również powoływanie katedr psychologicznych na uniwersytetach i dzieje psychologii stosowanej.

Znalazły się w naszej księgarni także liczne poradniki psychologiczne skierowane do osób mierzących się z najróżniejszymi problemami. Zachęcamy do przejrzenia tej kategorii w poszukiwaniu ciekawych pozycji, wśród których warto wymienić przewodniki dotyczące wychowania dzieci, radzenia sobie ze stresem, wypalenia zawodowemu czy psychologii pozytywnej. Wiele z tego rodzaju pozycji znalazło się w wydawanej przez PWN serii „Nowe Tendencje w Psychologii“, która zainteresuje zarówno praktykujących terapeutów, jak i wszystkie osoby zaciekawione funkcjonowaniem człowieka w nowoczesnym społeczeństwie.

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Surrounded by Idiots - Thomas Erikson - 13 %

Surrounded by Idiots

The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood)

Wydawca: Vermilion
Do you ever think you’re the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague’s...
48,98 zł 56,00 zł
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The Little Book of Colour - Karen Haller - 14 %

The Little Book of Colour

Autor: Karen Haller
Wydawca: Penguin Books
The definitive guide to using the power of colour to improve your happiness, wellbeing and confidence.What if I told you that all around you is something that can increase your motivati...
58,58 zł 68,00 zł
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The Interpretation of Dreams - Sigmund Freud

The Interpretation of Dreams

Książka (miękka)
24,55 zł 26,00 zł
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The Interpretation of Dreams - Sigmund Freud

The Interpretation of Dreams

Autor: Sigmund Freud
Wydawca: Wordsworth
Sigmund Freud's audacious masterpiece, The Interpretation of Dreams, has never ceased to stimulate controversy since its publication in 1900.Freud is acknowledged as the founder of psyc...
24,55 zł 26,00 zł
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The 5 Am Club - Robin Sharma - 39 %

The 5 Am Club

Own your morning elevate your life

Autor: Robin Sharma
Wydawca: HarperCollins
Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize t...
53,98 zł 89,00 zł
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Scattered minds - Gabor Mate - 19 %

Scattered minds

Książka (miękka)
46,44 zł 57,00 zł
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Scattered minds - Gabor Mate - 19 %

Scattered minds

Autor: Gabor Mate
Wydawca: Vermilion
Scattered Minds explodes the myth of attention deficit disorder as genetically based – and offers real hope and advice for children and adults who live with the condition. Gabor M...
46,44 zł 57,00 zł
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The Culture Code - Daniel Coyle - 13 %

The Culture Code

Książka (miękka)
48,98 zł 56,00 zł
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The Culture Code - Daniel Coyle - 13 %

The Culture Code

Autor: Daniel Coyle
Wydawca: Random House
How do you build and sustain a great team?The Culture Code reveals the secrets of some of the best teams in the world – from Pixar to Google to US Navy SEALs – explaining th...
48,98 zł 56,00 zł
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Atomic Habits - James Clear - 20 %

Atomic Habits

Książka (miękka)
71,18 zł 89,00 zł
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Atomic Habits - James Clear - 20 %

Atomic Habits

Autor: James Clear
Wydawca: Penguin Books
A revolutionary system to get 1 per cent better every dayPeople think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discover...
71,18 zł 89,00 zł
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The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down - Haemin Sunim - 13 %

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

Autor: Haemin Sunim
Wydawca: Penguin Books
'Is it the world that's busy, or my mind?'The world moves fast, but that doesn't mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated...
48,98 zł 56,00 zł
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Digital Minimalism - Cal Newport - 13 %

Digital Minimalism

Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World

Autor: Cal Newport
Wydawca: Penguin Books
Cut down on screen time and get your technology use in checkThe urge to pick up our phones every few minutes has become a nervous twitch that shatters our time into shards too small to ...
50,75 zł 58,00 zł
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Applied Psychology of Time - Urszula Tokarska - 15 %

Applied Psychology of Time

Polish psychologist, Urszula Tokarska, has done a great service to the emerging field of temporal psychology by creating this unique volume, along with 18 authors from around the world, which illus...
75,65 zł 89,00 zł
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Kobieta w oczach kobiet - 20 %

Kobieta w oczach kobiet, Kobiece (...

Książka (miękka ze skrzydełkami)
38,97 zł 49,00 zł
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Kobieta w oczach kobiet - 20 %

Kobieta w oczach kobiet

Kobiece (auto)narracje w perspektywie transkulturowej

Redaktor: Joanna Frużyńska
Książka ukazuje w rozległej perspektywie obraz kobiecości w kulturze europejskiej i światowej. Obraz ten wyłania się z tekstów pochodzących zarówno z początków ruchu kobiecego,...
38,97 zł 49,00 zł
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Alone in a Crowd - Giuseppe Santamaria - 12 %

Alone in a Crowd

Książka (twarda)
50,26 zł 57,00 zł
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Alone in a Crowd - Giuseppe Santamaria - 12 %

Alone in a Crowd

Wydawca: Hardie Grant
Photographer, blogger, art director and fashion enthusiast Giuseppe Santamaria invites us on a journey across four continents to explore men's street style in eight inspiring cities - New York, Tor...
50,26 zł 57,00 zł
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An Outline of Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud - 34 %

An Outline of Psychoanalysis

Autor: Sigmund Freud
Wydawca: Penguin Books
One of fifteen volumes in the new Freud series commissioned for Penguin by series editor Adam Phillips. Part of a plan to generate a new, non-specialist Freud for a wide readership, which goes way...
39,44 zł 60,00 zł
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Infidel - Ali Ayaan Hirsi


Książka (miękka)
47,98 zł 53,00 zł
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Infidel - Ali Ayaan Hirsi


Wydawca: Simon & Schuster
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of today's most admired and controversial political figures. She burst into international headlines following the murder of Theo van Gogh by an Islamist who threatened she wo...
47,98 zł 53,00 zł
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A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud - 19 %

A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis

Autor: Sigmund Freud
Wydawca: Wordsworth
Sigmund Freud’s controversial ideas have penetrated Western culture more deeply than those of any other psychologist. The ‘Freudian slip’, the ‘Oedipus complex’, &lsqu...
21,18 zł 26,00 zł
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Super Thinking - Gabriel Weinberg - 13 %

Super Thinking

Upgrade Your Reasoning and Make Better Decisions with Mental Models

Wydawca: Penguin Books
Turn yourself into a superthinker and make the right decisions every time.You want to make better decisions. You want to be right more of the time professionally and personally. However...
76,12 zł 87,00 zł
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Unnatural Causes - Richard Shepherd - 14 %

Unnatural Causes

Książka (miękka)
48,28 zł 56,00 zł
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Unnatural Causes - Richard Shepherd - 14 %

Unnatural Causes

Wydawca: Penguin Books
Meet the forensic pathologist, Dr Richard Shepherd. A detective in his own right, he must solve the mystery of sudden and unexplained deaths.He has performed over 23,000 autopsies, incl...
48,28 zł 56,00 zł
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How to talk to anyone - Leil Lowndes - 38 %

How to talk to anyone

Książka (miękka)
25,98 zł 42,00 zł
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How to talk to anyone - Leil Lowndes - 38 %

How to talk to anyone

Autor: Leil Lowndes
Wydawca: HarperCollins
Never be at a loss for words again!Perfect your people skills with his fun, witty and informative guide, containing 92 little tricks to create big success in personal and business relat...
25,98 zł 42,00 zł
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Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus - John Gray - 19 %

Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus

Autor: John Gray
Wydawca: HarperCollins
The legendary relationships guide that mothers recommend to their daughters, friends give as gifts and brothers steal from their sisters, MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS is inarguably th...
30,14 zł 37,00 zł
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We Should All Be Feminists - Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi - 24 %

We Should All Be Feminists

Książka (miękka ze skrzydełkami)
29,69 zł 39,00 zł
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We Should All Be Feminists - Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi - 24 %

We Should All Be Feminists

Wydawca: HarperCollins
A personal and powerful essay from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the bestselling author of Americanah and Half of a Yellow Sun.‘I would like to ask that we begin to dream about and pl...
29,69 zł 39,00 zł
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Zen: The Art of Simple Living - Shunmyo Masuno - 27 %

Zen: The Art of Simple Living

Wydawca: Michael Joseph
Zen is the perfect antidote to the chaos of modern life . . .In clear, practical and easy to follow lessons - one a day for 100 days - renowned Buddhist monk Shunmyo Masuno draws on cen...
58,89 zł 81,00 zł
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The Book of Why - Dana Mackenzie - 14 %

The Book of Why

The New Science of Cause and Effect

Wydawca: Penguin Books
A pioneer of artificial intelligence shows how the study of causality revolutionized science and the world'Correlation does not imply causation.' This mantra was invoked by scientists f...
52,78 zł 61,22 zł
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Night - Elie Wiesel - 19 %


Książka (miękka)
34,61 zł 42,48 zł
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Night - Elie Wiesel - 19 %


Autor: Elie Wiesel
Wydawca: Penguin Books
Elie Wiesel's harrowing first-hand account of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust, Night is translated by Marion Wiesel with a preface by Elie Wiesel in Penguin Modern Classics.
34,61 zł 42,48 zł
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Who Moved My Cheese - Spencer Johnson - 19 %

Who Moved My Cheese

Książka (miękka)
26,91 zł 33,03 zł
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Who Moved My Cheese - Spencer Johnson - 19 %

Who Moved My Cheese

Wydawca: Vermilion
Who Moved My Cheese? is a simple parable that reveals profound truths. It is the amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make th...
26,91 zł 33,03 zł
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4-Hour Work Week - Timothy Ferriss - 13 %

4-Hour Work Week

Expanded & Updated

Wydawca: Vermilion
Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is esc...
71,75 zł 82,00 zł
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The Lucifer Effect - Philip Zimbardo - 10 %

The Lucifer Effect

How Good People Turn Evil

Wydawca: Rider
In The Lucifer Effect, the award-winning and internationally respected psychologist, Philip Zimbardo, examines how the human mind has the capacity to be infinitely caring or selfish, kind or cruel,...
76,49 zł 85,00 zł
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The Little Book of Lykke - Meik Wiking - 14 %

The Little Book of Lykke

The Danish Search for the World's Happiest People

Autor: Meik Wiking
Wydawca: Penguin Books
From the author of the international bestseller The Little Book of Hygge Lykke (Luu-kah) (n): Happiness It's easy to see why Denmark is often called the world's happiest country. Not only do they h...
57,54 zł 67,00 zł
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Ikigai The Japanese secret to a long and happy life - Hector Garcia - 13 %

Ikigai The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

Wydawca: Hutchinson
Discover the Japanese secret to a long and happy life with the internationally bestselling guide to ikigai - 'a refreshingly simple recipe for happiness' (Stylist Magazine) The people of Japan beli...
51,44 zł 58,80 zł
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On Art and Life - John Ruskin - 13 %

On Art and Life

Książka (miękka)
24,50 zł 28,00 zł
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On Art and Life - John Ruskin - 13 %

On Art and Life

Autor: John Ruskin
Wydawca: Penguin Books
John Ruskin's insights into the need for individual artistic freedom, and his disdain for the mass-production art. of the Victorian era, radically altered society's perception of creative design a...
24,50 zł 28,00 zł
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Wreck This Journal - Keri Smith - 13 %

Wreck This Journal

Książka (miękka)
48,98 zł 56,00 zł
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Wreck This Journal - Keri Smith - 13 %

Wreck This Journal

Autor: Keri Smith
Wydawca: Penguin Books
A new edition of Keri Smith's bestseller, with updated materialThink of Wreck This Journal as the anarchist's Artist's Way -- the book for those who've always wanted to draw outside the...
48,98 zł 56,00 zł
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The art of legal negotiations - Bartosz Brożek - 16 %

The art of legal negotiations

Książka (twarda z obwolutą)
40,92 zł 49,00 zł
Do koszyka
The art of legal negotiations - Bartosz Brożek - 16 %

The art of legal negotiations

Wydawca: Wolters Kluwer
What are legal negotiations? What is their structure? Is there one method of successful legal negotiation? Is it reasonable to settle disputes through negotiations? These are some of the questions ...
40,92 zł 49,00 zł
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The Affordances of Children’s Environments - Karolina Appelt - 27 %

The Affordances of Children’s Environments

The Results of Polish Studies

Wydawca: Scholar
Psychology in PracticeAmong the measurable effects of the research project Adaptation of tools enabling the diagnosis of the quality of physical and social environment of development of...
13,83 zł 18,90 zł
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Gendered Career Trajectories in Academia in Cross-National Perspective - Renata Siemieńska - 27 %

Gendered Career Trajectories in Academia in Cross-National Perspective

Wydawca: Scholar
Despite the growing feminization of the student body community and despite numerous affirmative action porgrams put into practice in various European countries starting insince the mind-1980s, fema...
29,96 zł 40,95 zł
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Screw It Let's Do It Lessons In Life - Richard Branson - 19 %

Screw It Let's Do It Lessons In Life

Wydawca: Virgin Books
Throughout my life I have achieved many remarkable things. In Screw It, Let's Do It, I will share with you my ideas and the secrets of my success, but not simply because I hope they'll help you ach...
13,60 zł 16,70 zł
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Opiekun osób chorych i starszych Słownik tematyczny polsko-angielski • angielsko-polski wraz z rozmówkami - Dawid Gut - 33 %

Opiekun osób chorych i starszych Słownik tematyczny polsko-angielski • angielsko-polski wraz z rozmówkami

Pomocny dla opiekunów, rehabilitantów, pielęgniarek

Wydawca: Level Trading
OPIEKUN OSÓB CHORYCH I STARSZYCH• pomocny dla opiekunów, rehabilitantów, pielęgniarek w domach prywatnych i specjalistycznych placówkach• fa...
21,13 zł 31,50 zł
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Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Mary Wollstonecraft - 14 %

Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Wydawca: Penguin Books
Mary Wollstonecraft's passionate declaration of female independence shattered the stereotype of docile, decorative womanhood, anticipated a new era of equality and established her as the founder of...
27,58 zł 32,00 zł
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The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity - Cipolla Carlo M.

The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Wydawca: WH Allen
The five laws that confirm our worst fears: stupid people can and do rule the world.Since time immemorial, a powerful dark force has hindered the growth of human welfare and happiness. ...
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Hold on to Your Kids - Gabor Mate

Hold on to Your Kids

Książka (miękka)
Hold on to Your Kids - Gabor Mate

Hold on to Your Kids

Wydawca: Vermilion
Children take their lead from their friends: being ‘cool’ matters more than anything else. Shaping values, identity and codes of behaviour, peer groups are often far more influential th...
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Talking to Strangers - Malcolm Gladwell

Talking to Strangers

What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know

Wydawca: Penguin Books
The routine traffic stop that ends in tragedy. The spy who spends years undetected at the highest levels of the Pentagon. The false conviction of Amanda Knox. Why do we so often get other people wr...
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What Dementia Teaches Us About Love - Nicci Gerrard

What Dementia Teaches Us About Love

Autor: Nicci Gerrard
Wydawca: Penguin Books
A SUNDAY TIMES, NEW STATESMAN AND FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR'Immensely powerful . . . her investigation of this terrible illness is sensitive and compelling' Sunday Times
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