Książki: Literatura popularnonaukowa

Znaleziono: 43 pozycje
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Popularność malejąco
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Szanse życiowe i jakość życia współczesnych rodzin

Szanse życiowe i jakość życia współczesnych rodzin

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Zagrożenia współczesnej rodziny w społeczeństwie ryzykaEducational Function of a Family in the Risk SocietyKonsekwencje świadczenia płatnych usług seksualnych i ich wpływ na decy...
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Economic Challenges for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe

Economic Challenges for Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
[...] The papers presented in this publication are providing an overview of the topics that were addressed. However, it is impossible to overestimate the added value of the discussions that were he...
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Is the 21st century the age of Asia?

Is the 21st century the age of Asia?

Deliberations on politics

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
om, który obecnie prezentujemy, składa się z dwudziestu studiów. Ich autorzy analizują tytułową problematykę z różnych perspektyw.[...] Zamieszczone w niniejszej publikac...
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The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland in the years 1945-1989 - Jarosław Kłaczkow

The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland in the years 1945-1989

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
The given work pivots on the main events in the Polish history that took place between 1945 and 1989, i.e. when the country was ruled by the communist authorities and when the authorities of the Ev...
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Dilemmas on contemporary Asia

Dilemmas on contemporary Asia

Deliberations on Culture and Education

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Asia is the biggest continent, home to half of the world’s population. It is religion that still plays a key role in this vast land, which is highly diverse in terms of culture, economy and g...
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The history of Poland - Jarosław Kłaczkow

The history of Poland

A National and State between West and East

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
The main idea behind The history of Poland. A National and State between West and East was to combine both scientific and educational qualities, as well as enable researchers and students to establ...
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The Concept of State and Nation in Polish Political Thought in the Period of War and Occupation (1939-1945) - Jerzy Juchnowski

The Concept of State and Nation in Polish Political Thought in the Period of War and Occupation (1939-1945)

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
The book continues investigations presented in The Concept of State in Polish Political Thought in the Period 1918-1939 by Jerzy Juchnowski and Jan Ryszard Sielezin. It presents the development of ...
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Asia in the 21st century: conflicts and disputes

Asia in the 21st century: conflicts and disputes

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
This book is a result of the VI International Conference of PhD students of Szczecin University where the authors presented the outcomes of their research on Asian countries. All the collected pape...
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Aksjologiczne konteksty edukacji międzykulturowej

Aksjologiczne konteksty edukacji międzykulturowej

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Kolejny tom z serii "Edukacja Międzykulturowa" traktuje o wartościach. Zagadnienia dotyczące wartości ujęte są zarówno w sposób właściwy aksjologii, a więc mają przedstawien...
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European Education (and Training) Systems

European Education (and Training) Systems

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
The development of the European single market and rapid technological changes have resulted in major economic changes in Europe and have convinced the governments of the need to upgrade their educa...
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Elements of the Application of the Complementarity Principle - Jan Szymczyk

Elements of the Application of the Complementarity Principle

Issues of the Sociology of Subjectivity and Social Structures

Autor: Jan Szymczyk
Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
In this publication, the author takes insight into different dychotomies and reductionist stances present in the scientific discourse, and public debate. They are often treated as a kind of paradig...
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Dilemmas of contemporary Asia

Dilemmas of contemporary Asia

Deliberations on Politics

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
The publishing market has recently seen a number of new – very interestingfrom a research point of view – books, the authors of whichundertake a thorough analysis of various factors tha...
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The Life & Times of Ngamiland The story of Maun Botswana - Dziewięcka Cecylia Małgorzata

The Life & Times of Ngamiland The story of Maun Botswana

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Maun is an African village popular among hunters, photographers, nature lovers, adventurers, travelers, ecologists, geologists, and zoologists. It is also a popular place for safaris and it has a r...
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Learning and Reading Strategies of Future Teachers in International Comparison - Juklová  Kateřina

Learning and Reading Strategies of Future Teachers in International Comparison

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Our text is centred on the study strategies of future teachers. As educators of future teachers, we pose the question whether and how the study strategies, which are being learnt by students during...
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Demokracja i integracja europejska - Jan Garlicki

Demokracja i integracja europejska

Książka (miękka)
Demokracja i integracja europejska - Jan Garlicki

Demokracja i integracja europejska

Autor: Jan Garlicki
Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Ważnym celem niniejszego studium jest poznanie różnic i podobieństw w politycznych orientacjach dwóch pokoleń Polaków. W książce zostały opisane świadomość i orientacje całego ...
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Pozyskiwanie bursztynu na Mierzei Wiślanej w świetle źródeł etnograficznych i historycznych - Eryk Popkiewicz

Pozyskiwanie bursztynu na Mierzei Wiślanej w świetle źródeł etnograficznych i historycznych

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Polsko–angielski album opisuje sposoby pozyskiwania bursztynu na przestrzeni dziejów. Treść uzupełniają stare mapy, ryciny, fotografie oraz zdjęcia z ostatnich lat ukazujące, jak dziś ...
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Health Communication in Poland - Aleksandra Hulewska

Health Communication in Poland

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
This publication is a collection of texts which, on the one hand, shed some light on the origins and the evolution of health communication in Poland and, on the other hand, present the main interes...
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Asian Education Systems - Stanisław Juszczyk

Asian Education Systems

Książka (miękka)
Asian Education Systems - Stanisław Juszczyk

Asian Education Systems

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Asian Education Systems provides the knowledge much searched for. It gives an overall compendium image of educational systems considered to be the best in the world. Articles published there are an...
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Aspects of contemporary Asia. Culture, education, ethics

Aspects of contemporary Asia. Culture, education, ethics

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
This volume consitutes a compendium of a number of important issues. It is also a rich sourence of knowledge on culture and education. I strongly believe that the book will be a valuable supplement...
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Aspects of contemporary Asia. Security and economy

Aspects of contemporary Asia. Security and economy

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
As the issues discussed in the monograph are very topical, it is a rich compendium of information about challenges of the contemporary security and economic policy in Asia. It sholud be fascinating...
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Znaleziono: 43 pozycje
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