Książki: Literatura popularnonaukowa

W kategorii „Literatura popularnonaukowa” znajdą Państwo książki napisane przez uznanych badaczy z różnych dziedzin. Cechą charakterystyczną książek popularnonaukowych jest to, że są one pisane takim językiem, aby ich zrozumienie nie wymagało specjalistycznej wiedzy.

Dzięki książkom popularnonaukowym zdobędą i rozszerzą Państwo wiedzę na wiele interesujących tematów. Literatura popularnonaukowa, którą znajdą Państwo w naszej ofercie, obejmuje wiele ważnych i ciekawych dziedzin. Oto niektóre z nich:

  • medycyna - w tej kategorii znajdą Państwo książki popularnonaukowe, dotyczące między innymi chorób przewlekłych, dietetyki czy dermatologii,
  • psychologia i psychiatria - rynek książki obfituje w literaturę popularnonaukową o tej tematyce. Książki psychologiczne stanowią wsparcie w samorozwoju i rozwiązywaniu codziennych problemów,
  • pedagogika - książki popularnonaukowe o wychowaniu i nauczaniu dzieci przeznaczone są zarówno dla nauczycieli, jak i dla rodziców,
  • weterynaria - zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszą ofertą książek dotyczących weterynarii i nauk o zwierzętach weterynarzy, wszystkich właścicieli i miłośników zwierząt,
  • nauki humanistyczne - w tej dziedzinie znajdą Państwo książki popularnonaukowe o filozofii, socjologii, historii i sztuce.

Literatura popularnonaukowa ma za zadanie popularyzację nauki i sprawienie, żeby każdy miał możliwość podejmowania świadomych decyzji w ważnych dla niego sprawach. Nasza szeroka ofert książek popularnonaukowych z zakresu medycyny i psychologii z pewnością nie zastąpi wizyt u specjalistów, pomoże jednak Państwu lepiej zrozumieć zagadnienia, o których zazwyczaj mówi się w żargonie naukowym. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kategorią „Literatura popularnonaukowa”.

Znaleziono: 62 pozycje
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The State Security Policy in National Security Strategies of the Republic of Poland in the Years 2002-2014

The State Security Policy in National Security Strategies of the Republic of Poland in the Years 2002-2014

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Security is one of the fundamental human needs in the contemporary world. Not only citizens, but also political elites should have this awareness because it is them who are largely responsible for ...
34,98 zł 36,40 zł
Do koszyka Zobacz więcej
Prospects and Realities of Continued Integration in Africa - Kolasiński Tomasz W.

Prospects and Realities of Continued Integration in Africa

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
The book is representative of studies of the concept of political integration, present in the theory of political integration and international relations. It is considered a valuable source of know...
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Urban Electromobility in the Context of Industry 4.0 - Wojciech Drożdż

Urban Electromobility in the Context of Industry 4.0

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Monografia wpisuje się w najnowszy światowy, europejski i polski dyskurs o charakterze politycznym, ekonomicznym, naukowym i prawnym związany z ideą zrównoważonego, zeroemisyjnego transportu...
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Public order and public safety - free movement of persons - Monika Bator-Bryła

Public order and public safety - free movement of persons

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
In the monograph, the author raises important issues in the field of free movement of persons in the EU, starting with law basics, the scope of freedom, EU legal acts and judicature of the Court of...
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The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science Vol. 2 Society - Michał Dahl

The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science Vol. 2 Society

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Książka The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science pod redakcją Michała Dahla, Pawła Hanczewskiego i Magdaleny Lewickiej to niezwykle interesująca monogra...
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The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science Vol. 1 - Michał Dahl

The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science Vol. 1

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Książka The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science pod redakcją Michała Dahla, Pawła Hanczewskiego i Magdaleny Lewickiej to niezwykle interesująca monogra...
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The Populist Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe - Pirro Andrea L.

The Populist Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe

Wydawca: Routledge
Often neglected in the study of far right organisations, post-communist Europe recently witnessed the rise and fall of a number of populist radical right parties. The Populist Radical Right in Cent...
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The Collapse of Communist Power in Poland - Jacqueline Hayden

The Collapse of Communist Power in Poland

Wydawca: Routledge
Based on extensive original research, including interviews with key participants, this book investigates the sudden and unforeseen collapse of communist power in Poland in 1989. It sets out the seq...
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International Aid and the Making of a Better World - Rosalind Eyben

International Aid and the Making of a Better World

Wydawca: Routledge
How can international aid professionals manage to deal with the daily dilemmas of working for the wellbeing of people in countries other than their own? A scholar-activist and lifelong development ...
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The Changing Face of Warfare in the 21st Century - Iulian Chifu

The Changing Face of Warfare in the 21st Century

Wydawca: Routledge
This study discusses salient trends demonstrated by contemporary warfare of these first years of the 21st century. The authors reinforce previous notions of Fourth Generation Warfare, but most impo...
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The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics

The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics

Wydawca: Routledge
Social media are now widely used for political protests, campaigns, and communication in developed and developing nations, but available research has not yet paid sufficient attention to experience...
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Virtuality and Education Future Prospects - Dorota Siemieniecka

Virtuality and Education Future Prospects

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
The volume edited by Prof. Dorota Siemieniecka is an original work of high cognitive value and significant practical qualities. I recommend reading it to educators, academic teachers, students of p...
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Playing and Reality - Winnicott D. W.

Playing and Reality

Książka (miękka)
Playing and Reality - Winnicott D. W.

Playing and Reality

Wydawca: Routledge
What are the origins of creativity and how can we develop it - whether within ourselves or in others? Not only does Playing and Reality address these questions, it also tackles many more that surro...
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The Undiscovered Self - Jung Carl Gustav

The Undiscovered Self

Książka (miękka)
The Undiscovered Self - Jung Carl Gustav

The Undiscovered Self

Wydawca: Routledge
In The Undiscovered Self Jung explains the essence of his teaching for a readership unfamiliar with his ideas. He highlights the importance of individual responsibility and freedom in the context o...
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Modern Man in Search of a Soul - Jung Carl Gustav

Modern Man in Search of a Soul

Książka (miękka)
Modern Man in Search of a Soul - Jung Carl Gustav

Modern Man in Search of a Soul

Wydawca: Routledge
Modern Man in Search of a Soul is the perfect introduction to the theories and concepts of one of the most original and influential religious thinkers of the twentieth century. Lively and insightfu...
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The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds - John Bowlby

The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds

Autor: John Bowlby
Wydawca: Routledge
Helping both parents and psychologists to arrive at a better understanding of the inner emotional world of the infant, this selection of key lectures by Bowlby includes the seminal one that gives t...
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Ideas General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology - Edmund Husserl

Ideas General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology

Wydawca: Routledge
With a new foreword by Dermot Moran ‘the work here presented seeks to found a new science – though, indeed, the whole course of philosophical development since Descartes has been prepa...
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The Conquest of Happiness - Bertrand Russell

The Conquest of Happiness

Książka (miękka)
The Conquest of Happiness - Bertrand Russell

The Conquest of Happiness

Wydawca: Routledge
The Conquest of Happiness is Bertrand Russell’s recipe for good living. First published in 1930, it pre-dates the current obsession with self-help by decades. Leading the reader step by step ...
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Specters of Marx - Jacques Derrida

Specters of Marx

The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning and the New International

Wydawca: Routledge
Prodigiously influential, Jacques Derrida gave rise to a comprehensive rethinking of the basic concepts and categories of Western philosophy in the latter part of the twentieth century, with writin...
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Psychological Types - Carl Jung

Psychological Types

Książka (miękka)
Psychological Types - Carl Jung

Psychological Types

Autor: Carl Jung
Wydawca: Routledge
Psychological Types is one of Jung's most important and famous works. First published in English by Routledge in the early 1920s it appeared after Jung's so-called fallow period, during which he pu...
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Znaleziono: 62 pozycje
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