Książki: Literatura popularnonaukowa

W kategorii „Literatura popularnonaukowa” znajdą Państwo książki napisane przez uznanych badaczy z różnych dziedzin. Cechą charakterystyczną książek popularnonaukowych jest to, że są one pisane takim językiem, aby ich zrozumienie nie wymagało specjalistycznej wiedzy.

Dzięki książkom popularnonaukowym zdobędą i rozszerzą Państwo wiedzę na wiele interesujących tematów. Literatura popularnonaukowa, którą znajdą Państwo w naszej ofercie, obejmuje wiele ważnych i ciekawych dziedzin. Oto niektóre z nich:

  • medycyna - w tej kategorii znajdą Państwo książki popularnonaukowe, dotyczące między innymi chorób przewlekłych, dietetyki czy dermatologii,
  • psychologia i psychiatria - rynek książki obfituje w literaturę popularnonaukową o tej tematyce. Książki psychologiczne stanowią wsparcie w samorozwoju i rozwiązywaniu codziennych problemów,
  • pedagogika - książki popularnonaukowe o wychowaniu i nauczaniu dzieci przeznaczone są zarówno dla nauczycieli, jak i dla rodziców,
  • weterynaria - zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszą ofertą książek dotyczących weterynarii i nauk o zwierzętach weterynarzy, wszystkich właścicieli i miłośników zwierząt,
  • nauki humanistyczne - w tej dziedzinie znajdą Państwo książki popularnonaukowe o filozofii, socjologii, historii i sztuce.

Literatura popularnonaukowa ma za zadanie popularyzację nauki i sprawienie, żeby każdy miał możliwość podejmowania świadomych decyzji w ważnych dla niego sprawach. Nasza szeroka ofert książek popularnonaukowych z zakresu medycyny i psychologii z pewnością nie zastąpi wizyt u specjalistów, pomoże jednak Państwu lepiej zrozumieć zagadnienia, o których zazwyczaj mówi się w żargonie naukowym. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kategorią „Literatura popularnonaukowa”.

Znaleziono: 30 pozycji
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Logic in Theology - 40 %

Logic in Theology

Książka (twarda z obwolutą)
90,18 zł 149,90 zł
Do koszyka
Logic in Theology - 40 %

Logic in Theology

A collection of essays devoted to the peculiarities of theological language and logic. The issues covered include such topics as the logic of miracles, the problem of God's omniscience, the applica...
90,18 zł 149,90 zł
Do koszyka Zobacz więcej
Xenophobe's Guide to the Spanish

Xenophobe's Guide to the Spanish

Książka (miękka)
Xenophobe's Guide to the Spanish

Xenophobe's Guide to the Spanish

Humorous, clever and concise, these guides take an analytical but affectionate look at different nations, their character and quirks.Written from an insider’s perspective, they of...
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Game Theory in Jurisprudence - Outlet - Wojciech Załuski

Game Theory in Jurisprudence - Outlet

Książka (twarda)
Game Theory in Jurisprudence - Outlet - Wojciech Załuski

Game Theory in Jurisprudence - Outlet

Game theory is a branch of mathematics which studies strategic interactions, i.e., interactions which involve more than one agent and in which each agent makes her decision while striving to predic...
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Game Theory in Jurisprudence - Wojciech Załuski

Game Theory in Jurisprudence

Książka (twarda)
Game Theory in Jurisprudence - Wojciech Załuski

Game Theory in Jurisprudence

Game theory is a branch of mathematics which studies strategic interactions, i.e., interactions which involve more than one agent and in which each agent makes her decision while striving to predic...
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Faith and Reason in Russian Thought - Outlet

Faith and Reason in Russian Thought - Outlet

In Russian culture there was neither Scholasticism nor Renaissance, and the problem of faith and reason was formulated most of all on the ground of Patristic tradition. This collection of essays e...
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Faith and Reason in Russian Thought

Faith and Reason in Russian Thought

In Russian culture there was neither Scholasticism nor Renaissance, and the problem of faith and reason was formulated most of all on the ground of Patristic tradition. This collection of essays e...
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Foundations of Legal Negotiations Studies in the Philosophy of Law vol. 8

Foundations of Legal Negotiations ...

Książka (twarda)
Foundations of Legal Negotiations Studies in the Philosophy of Law vol. 8

Foundations of Legal Negotiations Studies in the Philosophy of Law vol. 8

A collection of essays from the leading scholars in the field dealing with various dimensions of legal negotiations. The contributions concern the logical structure of legal negotiations, as well a...
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Historico Philosophical Essays vol 1 - Jan Woleński

Historico Philosophical Essays vol 1

Książka (twarda z obwolutą)
Historico Philosophical Essays vol 1 - Jan Woleński

Historico Philosophical Essays vol 1

Autor: Jan Woleński
The book comprises studies pertaining to the history of the philosophy of logic and mathematics, the Lvov-Warsaw School, epistemology, as well as some key events in the development of the analytic ...
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The Emergence of Normative Orders

The Emergence of Normative Orders

A collection of essays assessing the origins of various rule-based systems including, but not limited to, morality, rationality and justice from the perspectives of both philosophy and ...
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The Many Faces of Normativity

The Many Faces of Normativity

Książka (twarda z obwolutą)
The Many Faces of Normativity

The Many Faces of Normativity

A collection of essays dealing with the issue of normativity from various academic and scientific perspectives. The Reader will learn how phenomena such as norms, morality and rule-following are de...
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Xenophobe's Guide to the Irish

Xenophobe's Guide to the Irish

Książka (miękka)
Xenophobe's Guide to the Irish

Xenophobe's Guide to the Irish

What makes the Irish IRISH: A guide to understanding the Irish which explores their humour, shenanigans and stout hearts.Quote image The colourful phrase just comes to them naturally ...
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Xenophobe's Guide to the Americans - Stephanie Faul

Xenophobe's Guide to the Americans

Humorous, clever and concise, these guides take an analytical but affectionate look at different nations, their character and quirks.Written from an insider’s perspective, they of...
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Xenophobe's Guide to the Czechs

Xenophobe's Guide to the Czechs

Książka (miękka)
Xenophobe's Guide to the Czechs

Xenophobe's Guide to the Czechs

Czech this out if you are headed for Prague. A tongue-in-cheek guide to the bewildering Czechs. As in the rest of the Xenophobe series, the authors provide information and insight into the national...
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Xenophobe's Guide to Israelis - Ben Zeev Aviv

Xenophobe's Guide to Israelis

Książka (miękka)
Xenophobe's Guide to Israelis - Ben Zeev Aviv

Xenophobe's Guide to Israelis

Autor: Ben Zeev Aviv
Humorous, clever and concise, these guides take an analytical but affectionate look at different nations, their character and quirks.Written from an insider’s perspective, they of...
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The Concept of Explanation

The Concept of Explanation

A collection of essays devoted to the problem of explanation in various disciplines of science and humanities: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, neuroscience, economics as well ...
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Xenophobe's Guide to the Welsh

Xenophobe's Guide to the Welsh

Książka (miękka)
Xenophobe's Guide to the Welsh

Xenophobe's Guide to the Welsh

Welsh pride is real pride – the sort that requires no justification or excuse.Essential reading for all partners of the Welsh! Written by an expat Welshman who has lived in Englan...
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Xenophobe's Guide to the Greeks

Xenophobe's Guide to the Greeks

Książka (miękka)
Xenophobe's Guide to the Greeks

Xenophobe's Guide to the Greeks

What makes the Greeks GREEK: A guide to understanding the Greeks which takes an insightful, irreverent look at their character and attitudes.Mercurial in the extreme, the Greeks’ ...
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Philosophy in Science - Bartosz Brożek

Philosophy in Science

Książka (twarda z obwolutą)
Philosophy in Science - Bartosz Brożek

Philosophy in Science

Philosophy in science should be sharply distinguished from the philosophy of science. The latter offers a philosophical reflection on the method of science; the former, on the contrary, is expected...
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Xenophobe's Guide to the Chinese

Xenophobe's Guide to the Chinese

Książka (miękka)
Xenophobe's Guide to the Chinese

Xenophobe's Guide to the Chinese

To be lazy and idle is unacceptable and anti-Confucian. The Chinese must always be seen to be doing something.Hilarious because it's (mostly) accurate! I bought this book while I was li...
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Xenophobe's Guide to the Japanese

Xenophobe's Guide to the Japanese

Książka (miękka)
Xenophobe's Guide to the Japanese

Xenophobe's Guide to the Japanese

Individuality and selfishness are as welcome as a sumo wrestler barging the line at a buffet.I’m Japanese and I like it. Many things in this little book are frighteningly so true....
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Znaleziono: 30 pozycji
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Popularność malejąco
  • 20
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