Podręczniki akademickie

W kategorii Podręczniki akademickie zebraliśmy publikacje z różnych dziedzin nauk: medycznych, humanistycznych, ścisłych i technicznych. Znajdą tu Państwo między innymi kategorie: Medycyna, Weterynaria, Dietetyka, Stomatologia i ortodoncja, Farmacja czy Pielęgniarstwo.

Oprócz kompendiów wiedzy przygotowujących do egzaminów na uniwersytetach i akademiach medycznych, znajdą tu Państwo również atlasy medyczne i anatomiczne, literaturę do egzaminów i wspierającą w pisaniu prac naukowych. W szerokiej ofercie PZWL znajdują się publikacje z dziedziny nauk o zdrowiu, zdrowia publicznego, prawa, marketingu, nauki języków obcych, geografii, informatyki oraz quasi podręczniki akademickie, zawierające specjalistyczną wiedzę, ale z bardziej egalitarnym przekazem. Dzięki prostszemu językowi początkujący adepci wielu dziedzin lub zupełni laicy mogą wzbogacić wiedzę. Niektóre publikacje przeznaczone są zatem dla odbiorców i odbiorczyń poszukujących wyselekcjonowanej wiedzy specjalistycznej, jak i dla osób przygotowujących się do rekrutacji na studia, uczestniczących w zajęciach korepetytorskich, czy fascynatów konkretnego zakresu wiedzy.

Dużą popularnością wśród podręczników PZWL cieszy się między innymi seria „Anatomia człowieka”, będąca przez specjalistów uznawana za jedno z najlepszych kompendiów wiedzy anatomicznej. Podręcznik napisali Adam Bochenek, jeden z najwybitniejszych polskich anatomów, i Michał Reicher, jego uczeń oraz współpracownik. Stowarzyszenie autorów książek medycznych uznało „Anatomię człowieka” Bochenka i Reichera za najlepsze dzieło medyczne XX wieku. Podręczniki te uchodzą za na tyle nowoczesne, że również dzisiaj stanowią pomoc dydaktyczną dla wielu studentek i studentów kierunków medycznych, a także dla nauczycieli akademickich.

Znaleziono: 22 pozycje
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Information and Communication - Richard Heeks

Information and Communication

Książka (miękka)
Information and Communication - Richard Heeks

Information and Communication

Autor: Richard Heeks
Wydawca: Routledge
Mobile phones are close to ubiquitous in developing countries; Internet and broadband access are becoming commonplace. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) thus represent the fastest, ...
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Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology 4e - Metzgar Hobbs Marcia

Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology 4e

Mastering essential microbiology concepts is easier with this vividly illustrated review resource. Part of the popular Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series, this proven approach uses clear, c...
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Viva Practice for the FRCS(Urol) and Postgraduate Urology Examinations - Hashim Ahmed

Viva Practice for the FRCS(Urol) and Postgraduate Urology Examinations

Wydawca: CRC Press
This is the first revision book to be published specifically for candidates sitting the FRCS(Urol) examination, which tests the required standard of a recognised Urology specialist. It provides a s...
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Strategic Writing - Guth David W.

Strategic Writing

Multimedia Writing for Public Relations, Advertising and More

Wydawca: Routledge
In its fourth edition, Strategic Writing emphasizes the goal-oriented mission of high-quality public relations and media writing with clear, concise instructions for more than 40 types of documents...
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Social Psychology: Fourth Edition - Claypool Heather M.

Social Psychology: Fourth Edition

Wydawca: Psychology Press
Using an engaging narrative, this textbook demonstrates how social processes are inherently interconnected by uniquely applying underlying and unifying principles throughout the text. With its comp...
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Microbiology: A Clinical Approach - Angela Edwards

Microbiology: A Clinical Approach

Wydawca: Garland Science
As with the successful first edition, the new edition of Microbiology: A Clinical Approach is written specifically for pre-nursing and allied health students. It is clinically-relevant throughout a...
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Guide to Health Informatics - Enrico Coiera

Guide to Health Informatics

Książka (miękka)
Guide to Health Informatics - Enrico Coiera

Guide to Health Informatics

Autor: Enrico Coiera
Wydawca: CRC Press
This essential text provides a readable yet sophisticated overview of the basic concepts of information technologies as they apply in healthcare. Spanning areas as diverse as the electronic medical...
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Genetics and Genomics in Medicine - Patrick Chinnery

Genetics and Genomics in Medicine

Wydawca: Garland Science
Genetics and Genomics in Medicine is a new textbook written for undergraduate students, graduate students, and medical researchers that explains the science behind the uses of genetics and genomics...
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Gray's Anatomy: Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions

Gray's Anatomy: Barnes & Noble Col...

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Gray's Anatomy: Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions

Gray's Anatomy: Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions

It so happens that the right teacher can take the form of a book. Gray's Anatomy is one of those few titles that practically everybody has heard of, and with good reason--it is a scientific and art...
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Board Review Series Cell Biology & Histology - Gartner Leslie P.

Board Review Series Cell Biology & Histology

BRS Cell Biology and Histology is an outline-format review for USMLE and course exams, with abundant electron micrographs and conceptual line drawings, high-yield Clinical Considerations boxes, rev...
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Step-Up to Medicine - Kelley Chuang

Step-Up to Medicine

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Step-Up to Medicine - Kelley Chuang

Step-Up to Medicine

Now thoroughly updated and revised, this best-selling volume in the popular Step-Up series provides a high-yield review of medicine, ideal for preparing for clerkships or clinical rotations, shelf ...
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BRS Gross Anatomy - Chung Harold M.

BRS Gross Anatomy

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BRS Gross Anatomy - Chung Harold M.

BRS Gross Anatomy

This powerful, easy-to-use resource presents the essentials of human anatomy in the popular Board Review Series outline formant and includes concise descriptions, clinical correlations, radiographs...
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BRS Pathology, 5/e International Edition - Schneider Arthur S.

BRS Pathology, 5/e International Edition

This revised fifth edition is an excellent pathology review for students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and course examinations. Written in the popular Board Review Series outline format, this text...
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Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy Sixth edition, International Edition - Agur Anne M. R.

Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy Sixth edition, International Edition

Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, Sixth Edition , presents core anatomical concepts in a concise, student-friendly format.As with the leading, comprehensive Clinically Ori...
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Calculus - Michael Spivak


Książka (twarda)
Calculus - Michael Spivak


Spivak's celebrated textbook is widely held as one of the finest introductions to mathematical analysis. His aim is to present calculus as the first real encounter with mathematics: it is the place...
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Snell's Clinical Neuroanatomy - Ryan Splittgerber

Snell's Clinical Neuroanatomy

Eighth edition

Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy , Eighth Edition, equips medical and health professions students with a complete, clinically oriented understanding of neuroanatomy. Organized classically by sys...
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Langman's Medical Embryology 14E - Sadler T. W.

Langman's Medical Embryology 14E

Książka (miękka)
Langman's Medical Embryology 14E - Sadler T. W.

Langman's Medical Embryology 14E

Autor: Sadler T. W.
Vibrantly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images, Langman's Medical Embryology, 14th Edition helps medical, nursing, and health professions students confidently develop a basic un...
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BRS Gross Anatomy - Chung Harold M.

BRS Gross Anatomy

Succeed in your anatomy course and the USMLE Step 1 exam with BRS Gross Anatomy, 8e. Written in the popular Board Review Series outline format, this powerful, easy-to-use resource presents the esse...
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Pearson Baccalaureate Biology - Alan Damon

Pearson Baccalaureate Biology

Wydawca: Pearson
Completely revised new editions of the market-leading Biology textbooks for HL and SL, written for the new 2014 Science IB Diploma curriculum. Now with an accompanying four-year student access to a...
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Pearson Baccalaureate Chemistry Standard Level - Catrin Brown

Pearson Baccalaureate Chemistry Standard Level

Wydawca: Pearson
Completely revised new editions of the market-leading Chemistry textbooks for HL and SL, written for the new 2014 Science IB Diploma curriculum. Now with an accompanying four-year student access to...
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Znaleziono: 22 pozycje
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