Polish and English diminutives in literary translation: Pragmatic and cross-cultural perspectives - 04 Rozdz. VII_ The analysis of chosen examples from Polish and English literary texts and their translations

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  • Druk: Katowice, 2017

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  • Autor: Paulina Biały

  • Wydawca: Uniwersytet Śląski

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Polish and English diminutives in literary translation: Pragmatic and cross-cultural perspectives - 04 Rozdz. VII_ The analysis of chosen examples from Polish and English literary texts and their translations

Książka dotyczy tłumaczenia zdrobnień z języka polskiego i angielskiego na, odpowiednio, angielski i polski. Autorka rozważa kontekst pragmatyczny, kulturowy i socjolingwistyczny używania zdrobnień w obu językach, a także omawia językowe możliwości tworzenia zdrobnień poprzez mechanizmy analityczne i syntetyczne. Dotychczasowy stan badań wskazuje na potrzebę przeprowadzenia przekrojowej analizy zagadnień związanych ze zdrobnieniami, zwłaszcza dotyczących wpływu kultury na obecność tych elementów w języku. Podczas gdy wielu autorów omawiało procesy morfologiczne służące tworzeniu zdrobnień, mniej uwagi poświęcano problemom ekwiwalencji tłumaczeniowej zdrobnień, czy aspektom pragmatycznym ich zastosowania w konwersacji. Książka adresowana jest do językoznawców, teoretyków i praktyków translacji, badaczy styków kultury i języka oraz socjolingwistów.

  • Kategorie:
    1. Ebooki i Audiobooki »
    2. Nauka języków obcych »
    3. Język angielski
    1. Ebooki i Audiobooki »
    2. Nauki humanistyczne »
    3. Filologia polska
    1. Ebooki i Audiobooki »
    2. Nauki humanistyczne »
    3. Filologie obce
    1. Ebooki i Audiobooki »
    2. Nauki humanistyczne »
    3. Kulturoznawstwo
  • Język wydania: polski,angielski
  • ISBN: 978-83-8012-939-9
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Introduction / 9
1. Cultural influence on the usage of diminutives by the English and the Poles / 13
1.1 The problem of the definition of culture / 13
1.2 The interrelationship between culture and language / 14
1.3 Translating languages—Translating cultures / 14
1.4 The English and the Poles—Two different cultures, two different approaches to the use of diminutives / 16
1.4.1 The individualistic culture of Englishmen and its influence on the presence of diminutives in their language / 16
1.4.2 The collectivistic culture of Poles as a determinant of rich diminutive derivation in their language / 18 The exaggerated use of diminutives in Polish—Its reasons and consequences / 19 Diminutives as signs of infantilisation of Polish / 20

2. Comparison of linguistic means used to create diminutives in English and Polish / 23
2.1 Formation of diminutives in Polish / 23
2.2 Formation of diminutives in English / 28

3. Meanings of diminutives in English and Polish / 31
3.1 Different approaches to the prototypical meaning of diminutives / 32
3.2 The meanings of Polish diminutives / 33
3.3 The meanings of English diminutives / 39

4. Pragmatic functions of diminutives in language communication / 45
4.1 Diminutives and their relation with the concepts of face and politeness / 47
4.1.1 Leech’s Theory of Politeness / 48
4.1.2 Brown and Levinson’s Theory of Politeness / 49
4.2 Diminutives used in assertive acts / 50
4.3 Diminutives used in directive acts / 52
4.4 Diminutives used in commissive acts / 54
4.5 Diminutives used in expressive acts / 57
4.6 Diminutives used in vocative acts / 59

5. Sociolinguistic contexts of using diminutives in Polish and English / 65
5.1 Social context and its role in interpersonal communication / 65
5.2 Social relationships and the use of particular linguistic forms / 66
5.3 Classification of linguistic roles in conversation / 67
5.3.1 Diminutives used in a situation when the status of interlocutors is equal / 69
5.3.2 Diminutives used in a situation when the status of interlocutors is unequal / 71

6. Diminutives in translation into English and Polish / 75
6.1 The notion of untranslatability / 75
6.2 Principles of translation / 76
6.3 Levels of translation / 78
6.4 Translation of culture / 79
6.5 Difficulties in translation of diminutive forms / 79
6.6 Compensation and explicitation in translating diminutives into Polish / 81
6.7 Domestication and foreignisation in translating diminutives into Polish / 83
6.8 Translation methods for rendering the meanings of diminutives /84

7. The analysis of chosen examples from Polish and English literary texts and their translations / 87
7.1 The chosen Polish literary texts and their translations into English / 87
7.2 The chosen English literary texts and their translations into Polish / 90
7.3 The analysis of diminutives and their translation in different semantic, pragmatic, and sociolinguistic contexts / 91
7.3.1 Translation of meanings of diminutives / 91 Denotative meanings of diminutives / 92 Connotative meanings of diminutives / 107 Proverbs/sayings/fixed expressions / 140
7.3.2 Translation of pragmatic functions of diminutives / 143 Diminutives in assertive acts / 143 Diminutives in directive acts / 151 Diminutives in commissive acts / 155 Diminutives in expressive acts / 158 Diminutives in vocative acts / 160
7.3.3 Translation of sociolinguistic contexts of using diminutives / 164

8. Conclusions and final remarks / 167

Books under analysis / 187
References / 189
List of figures / 203
List of tables / 205
Резюме / 207

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