Książki: Literatura popularnonaukowa

Znaleziono: 218 pozycji
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Popularność malejąco
  • 20
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  • 80
Things That Can and Cannot be Said - John Cusack

Things That Can and Cannot be Said

Wydawca: Penguin Books
An account of the extraordinary meeting between four brilliant political activists: Booker Prize winner Arundhati Roy, NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden, Pentagon Papers insider Daniel Ellsberg and...
Książka (miękka)
27,00 zł 30,00 zł
Management accounting innovations the case of ABC in Poland - Tomasz Wnuk-Pel

Management accounting innovations the case of ABC in Poland

The monograph manuscript demonstrates an interesting and coherent research into ABC and ABM issues in Poland. The book provides evidence that the author conducted original research, has made a sign...
Książka (twarda)
35,91 zł 39,90 zł
The 'Wolfman' - Outlet - Sigmund Freud - 40 %

The 'Wolfman' - Outlet

Autor: Sigmund Freud
Wydawca: Penguin Books
This is Freud's groundbreaking study of a wealthy young Russian man, subject to psychotic episodes and neuroses. Through the patient's dream of childhood wolves, Freud was able to determine his rea...
Książka (miękka)
15,60 zł 26,00 zł
Fifty years with the Beatles

Fifty years with the Beatles

The impact of the Beatles on contemporary culture
It has been fifty years since the name of the Beatles was serendipitously conceived in the summer of 1960. History did not actually start at that moment, since three of the Liverpudlians had been p...
Książka (miękka)
32,13 zł 35,70 zł
The 'Wolfman' - Sigmund Freud

The 'Wolfman'

Autor: Sigmund Freud
Wydawca: Penguin Books
This is Freud's groundbreaking study of a wealthy young Russian man, subject to psychotic episodes and neuroses. Through the patient's dream of childhood wolves, Freud was able to determine his rea...
Książka (miękka)
23,40 zł 26,00 zł
Dimensions and categories of celticity studies in language 4

Dimensions and categories of celticity studies in language 4

Volume 4Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Maxim FominDimensions and Categories of Celticity: Studies in LanguageProceedings of the Fourth International Collogium of Societas Celto-Slavica ...
Książka (miękka)
24,57 zł 27,30 zł
Boomerang - Michael Lewis


Autor: Michael Lewis
Wydawca: Penguin Books
Right now, Europe is in serious financial chaos. In Greece, infrastructure costs mean it would be cheaper to transport all Greek rail passengers by taxi, and hairdressing is classified as arduous f...
Książka (miękka)
41,58 zł 46,20 zł
Mikrotoponimy i makrotoponimy w komunikacji i literaturze

Mikrotoponimy i makrotoponimy w komunikacji i literaturze

Przedstawiana Czytelnikowi monografia zatytułowana Mikrotoponimy w komunikacji i literaturze jest drugą publikacją wydawaną w ramach projektu Nomina loci pod auspicjami Komisji Onomastyki Słowiańsk...
Książka (miękka)
42,53 zł 47,25 zł
Au Carrefour des esthétiques Rachilde et son écriture romanesque 1880-1913 - Anita Staroń

Au Carrefour des esthétiques Rachilde et son écriture romanesque 1880-1913

Autor: Anita Staroń
Rachilde, qui a toujours aimé les poses et les effets théâtraux, a le don de se dérober a des affirmations catégoriques lorsque l’on en vient a l’analy...
Książka (miękka)
36,86 zł 40,95 zł
A Polyvalent Media Policy in the Enlarged European Union - Beata Klimkiewicz - 12 %

A Polyvalent Media Policy in the Enlarged European Union

An impressive work of media and communication scholarship, this meticulously researched book provides comprehensive and authoritative treatment to the development of European Union media policy, in...
Książka (miękka)
35,11 zł 39,90 zł
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell


Wydawca: Penguin Books
Why are people successful? For centuries, humankind has grappled with this question, searching for the secret to accomplishing great things. In this stunning new book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on ...
Książka (miękka)
54,90 zł 61,00 zł
Aesthetic Energy of the City

Aesthetic Energy of the City

Experiencing Urban Art. And Space
In this book, metaphorically referring to the concept of energy, we wish to point out that it is possible to talk about aesthetic energy and that this concept is very useful in the city.
Książka (miękka)
35,91 zł 39,90 zł
Dimensions and categories of Celticity studies in literature and cultureStudia Celto-Slavica 5

Dimensions and categories of Celticity studies in literature and cultureStudia Celto-Slavica 5

This is the second part of he Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica held at the University of Łódź, Poland, between 13 and 15 Septemer 2009. Fifteen ar...
Książka (miękka)
28,35 zł 31,50 zł
Asian Education Systems - Stanisław Juszczyk

Asian Education Systems

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
Asian Education Systems provides the knowledge much searched for. It gives an overall compendium image of educational systems considered to be the best in the world. Articles published there are an...
Książka (miękka)
37,80 zł 42,00 zł
Living and Working in a Social Welfare Home in Poland - Jakub Niedbalski

Living and Working in a Social Welfare Home in Poland

A Sociological Study on the Interaction of Personnel wi...
This book – Living and working in a social welfare home in Poland. A sociological study on the interaction of personnel with mentally handicapped charges – is an empirical study carried...
Książka (miękka)
41,58 zł 46,20 zł
O nauce dokumentach i informacji w bibliotekach Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

O nauce dokumentach i informacji w bibliotekach Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

W 2005 r. miała miejsce 60 rocznica utworzenia Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Łodzi. W tymże roku jej dyrektorem została Maria Wrocławska, a stanowiska wicedyrektorów objęli Irena Kujawska, Da...
Książka (miękka)
20,79 zł 23,10 zł
Aspects of contemporary Asia. Culture, education, ethics

Aspects of contemporary Asia. Culture, education, ethics

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
This volume consitutes a compendium of a number of important issues. It is also a rich sourence of knowledge on culture and education. I strongly believe that the book will be a valuable supplement...
Książka (miękka)
31,49 zł 34,99 zł
Issues in Philosophy of Language and Linguisti - Piotr Stalmaszczyk

Issues in Philosophy of Language and Linguisti

Łódzkie Studia z językoznawstwa Angielskiego i Ogólnego 2
Papers collected in this volume investigate several important issues in philosophy of language and linguistics, both traditional (such as the influences of analytic philosophy on language planning ...
Książka (miękka)
32,13 zł 35,70 zł
Aspects of contemporary Asia. Security and economy

Aspects of contemporary Asia. Security and economy

Wydawca: Adam Marszałek
As the issues discussed in the monograph are very topical, it is a rich compendium of information about challenges of the contemporary security and economic policy in Asia. It sholud be fascinating...
Książka (miękka)
31,49 zł 34,99 zł
L aventure de la parole dans Le Cymbalum Mundi de Bonaventure Des Periers - Krystyna Antkowiak

L aventure de la parole dans Le Cymbalum Mundi de Bonaventure Des Periers

Krystyna Antkowiak skupia się w swoim tekście na zagadnieniu, które w kulturze francuskiego renesansu stanowiło przedmiot jednej z głównych debat i kontrowersji, a mianowicie na recep...
Książka (miękka)
24,57 zł 27,30 zł
Znaleziono: 218 pozycji
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Popularność malejąco
  • 20
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